Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New journey!

I've decided to start documenting my journey that started a little less than 2 years ago.  When I was going through it I barely had the mental energy to get through each day let alone put any thoughts down in writing.  Now that I have a bit larger capacity for functional thought I'll give this a go.  I was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma in May 2012 when I was 4 months pregnant.  More on that later, but that is the impetus for this blog.  I learned a great deal and had fantastic experiences along with the obvious horrible ones that every cancer patient has to deal with.  I'll try to put into words both the good and the bad.  I do this mostly for the sake of my children who were all too young to really understand what was going on at the time.  I hope they can read this when they are grown and appreciate what we all went through in 2012-2013, especially my youngest boy, who was intimately involved through the whole thing, though he'll hopefully have no lasting memory of that terrible time.